Pocoyo - Season 4 - 26 Episodes - 2016/2017

Pocoyo (Season 4 - 26 Episodes)
Zinkia Entertaiment
Release date: 2016/ 2017
Role: Previs/ Layout Supervisor

I implemented Layout Department Pipeline at Zinkia Animation Studio for 4th season of Pocoyo (released on November 2016).

Additionally, I supervised all departmental activities. As part of this role, I organized and reviewed the work of the different layout artists while I worked on my own tasks such as: setting the environments, taking camera shots, setting the scenes for animation department, refining cameras when the animation is finished, etc…

I collaborated closely with Director, Production Designer Supervisor, Storyboard Supervisor and Animation Supervisor to determine how Layout could best support each department.

As head of department I worked closely with the Technical Director to develop the Layout production pipeline, protocol, and tools.