Buffalo Kids (Animated Feature Film)
Core Animation Studio
Release date: Coming soon in 2024
Role: Storyboard Supervisor & Lead Previs Artist
I implemented Storyboard department pipeline and protocols at Core Animation Studio for this animated feature film.
I supervised all departmental activities artistically and technically. As part of this role, I organized and reviewed the work of the different storyboard artists while I worked on my own sequences.
I collaborated closely with Director, Production, Art Supervisor, Layout Supervisor and Animation Supervisor to determine how Storyboard could best support each department.
I supervised all departmental activities artistically and technically. As part of this role, I organized and reviewed the work of the different storyboard artists while I worked on my own sequences.
I collaborated closely with Director, Production, Art Supervisor, Layout Supervisor and Animation Supervisor to determine how Storyboard could best support each department.
As Lead Previs, I worked closely with the Head of Layout to improve the Previs and Layout production process, protocol, and tools, while also making my own previs sequences.